Sunday, September 2, 2007

Homeschool Preschool Schedules

Here are a few options for organizing your time as you begin homeschooling your preschooler. Overall, plan on devoting 2-3 hours a day to your preschooler's education. The time you spend homeschooling your preschooler can be concentrated in the morning, when you are both fresh and ready to go, or it can be spread out throughout the day.

1. Formal Schedule
If you or your child thrives on structure, consider having a formal schedule. A sample schedule follows:
9:00-9:30 Story time and songs
9:30-10:00 Early math or hands on science activity
10:00-10:30 Snack time and outside play time
10:30-11:00 Pre-literacy activity
11:00-11:30 Arts and Crafts
11:30-12:00 Clean Up and Lunch

2. Flexible Schedule
A flexible schedule allow parents to work their preschooler's education into the many unexpected events of a day. Choose 5-15 learning activities that you want to accomplish with your preschooler during the week and list them on a piece of paper or write them on index cards. During the day, choose an activity when you have a block of time available. Cross the activity off of your list or remove it from the pile.

3. Combo Schedule
The combo schedul is what I use throughout my week. This schedule combines the structure of the formal schedule with flexibility of the aptly named flexible schedule. Simply have a couple of regular activities at predictable times of day followed by a learning activity from a list or stack of cards as in the flexible schedule. For example:
After breakfast: Story Time followed by Activity #1 and free time until lunch
After lunch: Activity #2 followed by arts and crafts time


Vivian said...

Great ideas, keep up the good work! A friend and I will be "child-swapping" two days each week beginning next Monday, and on our days with the kiddos will be doing "preschool". We'll be hitting up your blog often! I am wondering if you have found any books on homeschool preschool useful? Thanks!

Palace of Leaves said...

Thanks for your good ideas! I've been wondering how many "activities" to plan per week and have been pretty spontaneous about it.

At what age do you start doing more formal learning activities like letters?